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Marriage Counseling: A Letter

Dear Friend, Thank you for listening to us. We both love you, and as I said we’ve been friends for a long time and have agreed with each other about many things. I am grateful for the friendship. You are right when you say I do not understand the hurt you have gone through for the last twenty years. I understand it in words, but not in experience. I have listened to you of your desires in marriage and of all the effort you put into the marriage. When I have talked to your wife, I have talked to her about her. It has been difficult to talk to you about you, at least on the subject of marriage. You have insisted on talking to me about her. 1. The last few years, you have been very angry and accusative toward your wife. Even if all of your accusations are true, your continued anger is unrepentant, unforgiven sin. You need to repent. 2. This anger has been building up for years, even though you were doing things a Christian husband should do. 3. In Luke 17:3, we have Jesus’...
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What the Bible Says About Giving

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