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Showing posts from March, 2012

The Heart 4

By Bessie Wilson "Let us draw near to God with a sincere [true in KJV] heart…having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience." (Hebrews 10:22 NIV) Hebrews is a reasoned treatise explaining how Christ fulfilled all the Levitical Law in offering Himself as a sacrifice for sin. On the basis of all that Christ did for us in opening a new and living way (10:20), the exhortation follows: let us draw near to God. I have been impressed so often with this thought and have mentioned it enough that our daughter Heather made a cross-stitched sampler of this verse which now hangs on my bedroom wall. I am still hoping and waiting for someone to put it to music because it sings in my heart, and I think it needs expression. I have been so taken, however, with the thought of drawing near that I have neglected the part of the verse that gives our responsibility in the drawing near. We are to draw near with a sincere heart. How are we to have a sincere heart?...H...