I am now 92. It has been many years since my conversion, and I have been telling the story to people ever since.
To be set free, a person has to know several things: 1) he is a sinner; 2) he can’t save himself by being good or not being bad; and 3) salvation is a free gift, bought and paid for by Jesus Christ, free for the taking. This is the good news: Jesus Christ died on the cross to save you, and He rose again from the dead. As man as call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. This is the message that is to go to the whole world.
When I was a young man, there were only about 2 billion people in the world. Now there are over 7 billion. The physical population has grown much faster than the spiritual population. We are losing ground as far as the Great Commission is concerned.
Every Christian (that is, everyone who has passed from death to life by the new birth) has a responsibility to tell this message of Good News to people who haven’t received the new birth. Jesus tells us in Matthew 28 to go to all the world and make disciples of all nations, teaching them to obey everything Jesus commanded them (vv. 18-20). You don’t have to have a gift to evangelize. You have orders. Say, “Yes, sir!” to the Lord and tell your experience of salvation to other people.
To be set free, a person has to know several things: 1) he is a sinner; 2) he can’t save himself by being good or not being bad; and 3) salvation is a free gift, bought and paid for by Jesus Christ, free for the taking. This is the good news: Jesus Christ died on the cross to save you, and He rose again from the dead. As man as call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. This is the message that is to go to the whole world.
When I was a young man, there were only about 2 billion people in the world. Now there are over 7 billion. The physical population has grown much faster than the spiritual population. We are losing ground as far as the Great Commission is concerned.
Every Christian (that is, everyone who has passed from death to life by the new birth) has a responsibility to tell this message of Good News to people who haven’t received the new birth. Jesus tells us in Matthew 28 to go to all the world and make disciples of all nations, teaching them to obey everything Jesus commanded them (vv. 18-20). You don’t have to have a gift to evangelize. You have orders. Say, “Yes, sir!” to the Lord and tell your experience of salvation to other people.