For who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the man’s spirit within him? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. (1 Corinthians 2:11 NIV)
One of the things I see often is people judging with absolute certainty the thoughts and motives of another person. To them, it is self-evident. The text quoted is a rhetorical question. Paul is not asking for a show of hands on who knows another person’s thoughts. He is saying that man cannot know the thoughts of another man. We could know if the man told us and we could know if we had the man’s spirit. We could also know if God revealed the man’s thoughts to us. Until then, we must not judge the thoughts of another person. We guess! We guess wrongly and then act on our guess as if we were right.
One of the things I see often is people judging with absolute certainty the thoughts and motives of another person. To them, it is self-evident. The text quoted is a rhetorical question. Paul is not asking for a show of hands on who knows another person’s thoughts. He is saying that man cannot know the thoughts of another man. We could know if the man told us and we could know if we had the man’s spirit. We could also know if God revealed the man’s thoughts to us. Until then, we must not judge the thoughts of another person. We guess! We guess wrongly and then act on our guess as if we were right.
Whenever I have opportunity to share on this topic -- our assuming that we know, from watching others' behaviors, what their mind and motivations must be -- Matthew 7: 1 - 5 provides insight. We only think we know others' minds from assuming we know why we would be behaving that way if we were ever doing what they are observed doing.
In my experience, when I am sensitive or alert to notice another's behavior (the mote), it is because God is working me over to agree with Him that that behavior is the very lesson (the beam) that He has been working on me to learn myself. I am sensitive to it because God expects me to confess it and to grow accordingly. As long as I misuse this sensitivity to point at others, I miss the real objective of the lesson and the 'peacable fruit of righteousness.' In Him, Charlie
This morning, before rereading about "Mind of Man" on RbtR, I had read Psalm 84. God has been working me over to trust Him rather than blame others. I am learning that these are mutually exclusive. God has been teaching me that blameless (see Ps 84) means both without blame from active wrongs/passive neglect and without blaming others ... for anything.
Most places in the New Testament where "blameless" is expressed, another term like 'pure' or 'innocent' is paired with it. I find this lesson at work within me, the Lord is not being simply redundant for emphasis. He wants us to be without blame -- sinless -- and without blame toward others. Blaming others is a double-sin in one: being both inforgiving and un-trusting to think that others have more control and impact upon my life than God.
Galations 6: 6