Many Christians read the Scriptures sporadically in both time and place. In other words, they read them “now and then” and “here and there.” They gravitate to their favorite chapters. Some of them have never even read the whole New Testament through. The body of Christ is appallingly ignorant of God’s Word, and there is a corresponding lack of obedience.
There is no substitute for reading the Word of God. Listening to the best Bible teachers in the world will not make up for personal ignorance of Scripture or replace the benefits of spending time with the Lord in His Word.
Here are some helps for you to consider when reading the Word. First, the genealogies in the New Testament take up less than two chapters. If they are a problem to you, skip them for now go back over them separately; it will only take five minutes. They would not be there if they were not important. However, they are not intended to stop you from reading the rest of the New Testament.
Second, do not stop for hard-to-understand passages; keep reading. They will make more sense when you do that, and they will make even more sense the second time through.
Third, if you think the Bible is dull reading, start with the exciting parts like Luke and Acts.
Fourth, if you are a slow reader (e.g. 150 words a minute), you can still read the whole Bible in eighty hours. The reason it takes so long to get through is the days, weeks, or months that you do not read it at all. If you are a listener instead of a reader, download an audio Bible app and listen to the whole Bible being read aloud.
Fifth, try a schedule. If you read four chapters each day, it will only take you a week to read Matthew and a week to read Acts. The other twenty-five books of the New Testament will take less than a week each, and seventeen of those have six chapters or fewer, so they can be read in a maximum of one and a half days each. To read the whole Bible through, see the link below.
The object is not to get through the Bible so you can say, “I finished.” The object is to know God better and obey Him more and more. You cannot say that you know what God wants from you without knowing all His revelation and His revelational will.
If you are not in a daily Bible reading plan, join the #TotheWord Bible Reading Challenge at Don't worry that the plan has already started - just begin with today's reading.